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Change is Here! Are you ready to market differently?
The COVID-19 virus and market trends have turned communications on its side! Digital media is eroding the impact of traditional media. People are overloaded with marketing messages. Creative intrusion will become the only way to get attention for your message, product...
Are You Ready For Change?
Artificial Intelligence, Bots, and Apps have raised customer expectations. If you are an organization, business or nonprofit, changes are at hand. The basic rules of customer engagement have not changed, but how those rules are applied continues to change. Customer...
The Problem African Americans Have with Diversity Initiatives, and What to Do About It
For African Americans, the broad diversity brush still seems to leave them at the back of the bus. After being in business for over 32 years, we at Bynums Marketing & Communications, Inc. have been a part of the effort to bring more opportunities to African...
Ready, Set, Go!
(Excerpts from workshop) The changes in marketing and communications are happening at lighting speed! However, there are basic concepts and rules that never change. The first thing that marketers must be aware of is that they must get ready, get set, and go! Get...
Branding is No Joke.
Branding is no joke. Your brand is more than your logo. If you want others to take your brand seriously, you must take it seriously. Many organizations do not understand that proper branding requires you to “dress for success.” To begin the process, you must think...
The Case For Design
Design for some is essential to a good product or service. However, some treat it like a necessary evil. Poorly designed logos, literature and even products have become the norm. With the advent of off-the-shelf design programs, anyone can claim to be a designer. Many...

About the Agency
Bynums Marketing & Communications, Inc. has been providing marketing services to corporations, small businesses, nonprofits, and governmental agencies for the past 35 years.
Bynums Marketing & Communications, Inc.
301 Grant Street, Suite 270
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Phone: 412-471-4332
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