(Excerpts from workshop)

The changes in marketing and communications are happening at lighting speed! However, there are basic concepts and rules that never change. The first thing that marketers must be aware of is that they must get ready, get set, and go!

Get ready.

  1. Set goals. (Realistic ones)
  2. Conduct research. (Quantitative and qualitative)
  3. Evaluate your marketing options. (Know the pros and cons of each.)

Get set.

  1. Develop a plan. (Get help.)
  2. Establish a budget (in line with your goals).
  3. Create a brand. (How do you want the public to perceive you?)

Branding is more than a logo, it’s a culture. Here’s a partial list of branding and marketing tools:

*  Sticky notes

*  T-shirts

*  Guest blogging

*  Sponsorships

*  E-blasts

*  Television

(For a more extensive list, email us at russell@bynums.com)


  1. Execute your plan. (Just do it!)
  2. Research and evaluate. (What is working? What is not working?)
  3. Analyze. (Use analytic tools available. Don’t get bogged down. The bottom line is sales.)

Understand the Four P’s. They still matter today.

  1. Product
  2. Price
  3. Promotion
  4. Place

Bynums Marketing & Communications, Inc. is available to conduct workshops for your company/organization. Topics available include:

“Marketing to the Minority Community”

“How to Increase your Advertising Response in Today’s Economy”


“Power Public Relations”

“How to Stretch Your Marketing Dollar”

Plus customized topics to fit your company/organization needs

For effective marketing, public relations, and advertising from a firm that has been doing it for more than three decades, call 412-471-IDEA (4332).